Automatyzacja i proces developmentu
Development process and automatization

Currently the development process is not only related with coding. Nowadays is related with many other fields like: testing processes, staging and production server updates, taking care of application security, teamwork, project progress monitoring, contact with the customer and others.

Body leasing as a form of outsourcing

In the last article we described outsourcing in programming as a solution for companies to reduce operation costs. One of its strategies is HR outsourcing (staff) so to hire contractors. It may have the form: body leasing (individual expert) or team leasing (entire team of specialists).

Wirtualny zespół - DEVPARK
Virtual team

Every entrepreneur who bases its own business on a team of employees knows that working conditions have a significant impact on productivity. Among many improvements, it is the remote work with virtual team that becomes the standard which could bring entrepreneurs fairly large savings.

Software development outsourcing - why you should use it.
Programming outsourcing

If there is a thing that we cannot do more efficiently, cheaper or better than a competition, there is no point in doing it further – we should hire the one who does it better than we do. This sentence was said by Henry Ford in 1923 and he didn’t know that it was the first definition of outsourcing. Check the key benefits of outsourcing.

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