Clean Code and Architecture for Enthusiast

My main area of interest is helping other companies improve the quality of the code they produce. Without a doubt, it doesn't matter to me if you are starting from scratch or already have something in development. I...

Clean Code Architect – Blog

Clean code, hard-coded, guard clauses, naming conventions Static Factory Methods aka Named Constructors [caption id="attachment_5786" align="aligncenter" width="745"] Static Factory Methods aka Named...

Clean Code – how to start

There are multiple rules out there which help to achieve the clean code in your codebase. All of them are worth to familiarize with. But if I had to choose the most important one - I would say it will be...

Improving conditions clauses – few small things with hudge impact

Improving conditions clauses - working on the code It's fascinating how very small changes can improve code readability. Bellow you can find some examples, which are often present in unexperienced programmers...

Naming conventions

Naming conventions, name length and style I suppose you have already read PSR-1 and PSR-2, which contain PHP's naming recommendations. E.g. like camelCase for function names etc. But there are few things which...

Static Factory Methods aka Named Constructors

Static Factory methods aka named constructors Create Object Instance We have many ways how to create an object instance. You can use "new" word, use a Factory or Builder Method, Inject it using IOC...

Refactoring Example – guard clauses

Refactoring Example - guard clauses (they are used for) I think the best learning way is to try on real causes. Below I will present a case from our real project. How we handle the refactoring of a small part of this...

Hard-coded Parts

Hard-coded parts and create constants (how to use them) Constants Have you ever met something like this: [crayon-66a0c28e10859034501764/] We have a few code smells here. I've talked about a few of these in...

Dependency Injection code smells

Dependency Injection Code Smells and recurring parameters The use of injection doesn't guarante that our code is already done in the right way. It's a great mechanism for breaking dependencies and writing...

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